
Individual Therapy


Depressed? Stressed? Anxious? Confused?

Overwhelming feelings and thoughts often get in the way of operating at your fullest potential. People often feel misunderstood, disconnected, lost, and/or alone during these times.

Individual therapy can help by offering you the safe space and freedom to openly process your thoughts, feelings, needs, actions, and goals. Through this process, you can start to form a better connection with yourself, gain clarity, learn new ways of coping, develop new ways of relating to others, and ultimately experience a more fulfilling life.


Children communicate and engage differently than adults and require specialized treatment strategies to cater to their stage of development. I use a combination of play, art, talk, and evidenced based treatment strategies to address the unique challenges presented. A combination of individual, parent, and family sessions are typically implemented for successful treatment.


Adolescence is a unique developmental period in which teens start exploring who they are, their individual preferences, and need for independence. Parents and teens often find this phase challenging to navigate. Therapy can help families achieve increased understanding, communication, and cooperation. Reach out to learn more about how therapy can help based on your unique challenges.

Family Therapy

“What affects one affects all” because families are interconnected. Family therapy can help loved ones communicate and relate better to each other.

Family therapy can help identify unhelpful patterns getting in the way of achieving peace and harmony. Families can learn helpful ways of communicating, relating, and supporting each other. This leads to family members feeling better understood, heard, loved, and fulfilled.

Group Workshops


I offer reflective parenting groups in which parents can gain a better understanding of their child’s behaviors and learn improved ways of responding. Parents are given the space to practice mindfulness and process their own feelings and experiences in parenting.

Clinical Consultation & Training


I offer clinical consultation for licensed and unlicensed clinicians.

I am a certified trainer for PCIT and RPP. Reach out if you're interested in consultation or training.

“Communication is to relationships what breath is to life” -Virginia Satir